Aftertraveling around the nation, “Naohito Fujiki Live Tour ver9.0~10COUNTTOUR” finally landed on the long-awaited show at Tokyo KokusaiForum.Fujiki had also boosted the mood for his 10th anniversary as amusicianby releasing his first greatest hits album “HISTORY of NAOHITOFUJIKI10TH ANNIVERSARY BOX” on July 15th. This report will give you acompletepicture of his performance in Tokyo, in which Fujiki impressedtheaudience with his brightest smile during the whole concert with nosignof weariness despite his tight schedule with TV appearances.
全国的巡演「Naohito Fujiki Live Tour ver9.0~10COUNTTOUR」。这一日,是大家期待已久的东京国际会展中心的公演.在前段时间的7月15日藤木发售了自己首张bestalbum「HISTORY ofNAOHITO FUJIKI 10THANNIVERSARYBOX」,也让我们看到了10周年的热烈气氛.一边演出电视剧一边做巡演,他是否会疲惫呢,但他始终用笑容迷倒了所有的观众.希望能对这样的他的live十分满足.